Labels:bag | book | cereal box | person | poster | windowpane OCR: CD0-3127 POWE RACTIVE LEARNING DESIGN YOUR OWN MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER POSTERS, RANGERS" SIGNS, DOWER NOTE AND CARDS MORE! PRINT KIT 01PM ogersPrint KCalering page reate posters signs cards, ban ners invitations stationery even business cards with computer using action -packed images from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers top-rated television series and 'movie! Choose from over 200 images in black and white, gray scale or color inspire any child's vivid imagination. The Print iNO OTHERTITLES AVAILABL Ages aue up CREATE-A-MOVIE COLORING BOOK JIGSAW PUZZLES SCREEN SAVER HS DCS S 0c SABAN INTERACTIVE PDWERACTIVE AVAILABLE Ages5and